Thursday, February 27, 2014

Why Do I Create?

My first inspiration art work!
Why do I create? 
Why  do I make things?   I can remember when I couldn't  due to family or work commitments.  It felt like a part of my life was missing.  The idea of creating something just wouldn't go away.  Ideas were put on hold.

Life felt incomplete.   

Unfortunately, until the last few months, work and family needed to be a priority.  Then, suddenly, a pocket of time was available and I thought,  "what if".  

What if... I took some time out each week to make something?  What if... I stretched myself and tried something new? 

I took the challenge.

I threw caution to the wind and embarked on a new creative journey.  One that included my faith as well as the creativity I was born with. I started working with multiple mediums.  It was fun experimenting. 

With that, my mixed media inspiration art emerged like a butterfly evolving from a caterpillar.  It took on wings of its own...

...and I am flying with abandon.

Friday, February 7, 2014

New Year, New Life, New Life Goals

 I am excited about 2014! Lots of new things have happened in my life in the last year...a new home across the country, new friends, and a new church.

Of all of the new changes, the most profound one has been the new path for my life. Using talents, skills, and abilities that have laid dormant for years, I have begun creating again. In the last year, I experimented with mixed media and found it fascinating. After much prayer, the decision was made to use my creative abilities in this area to inspire, affirm, and encourage others.

Inspiration Art is the result of those prayers and efforts. I am hoping (and praying) that the artworks I create will uplift and feed souls.